Exploring MCEU Hospitality Further

Develop an extensive and scalable solution to address skills shortages and challenges in the hospitality sector by creating high-quality, industry-specific micro-credentials and establishing an interconnected system that identifies skills needs and connects with employers.

Test, refine, and continuously improve micro-credentials through a testing environment supported by the MCEU framework, by gathering feedback from learners, employers, and industry experts involved in the hospitality sector and participating in the MCEU project, to ensure effectiveness, relevance, and quality.

Establish an online platform for portable digital micro-credentials that implements the European approach to micro-credentials; provides a user-friendly, reliable, interoperable, and compliant solution for creating, storing, sharing, and verifying micro-credentials; and supports the portability and recognition of micro-credentials between countries, employers, education and training, and employment systems.

Foster partnerships and collaborations between VET providers, employers, industry experts, and social partners to ensure the relevance and quality of micro-credentials and to promote their uptake and recognition. This objective will be achieved through regular stakeholder engagement and feedback gathering, co-creation and co-design of micro-credentials and their assessments, and the establishment of sustainable networks.

The MCEU project is funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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